Repair Clog Epson Printer Head

Head clog or writing does not come out when the print is a common problem faced by all users of the printer includes all of us. One of the printers that often have problems head is clogged Epson head. And this time we will discuss on How to Repair clogged on Epson Printer Head.

 Causes of  Clogged Head on Epson Printers:
1. Epson printers are rarely in use.
2. Epson Printer maintenance is rarely done (for example, the print head cleaning).
3. Frequently changing dressing types and brands of ink epson
4. Too late to refill the ink, resulting in overheating / heat on epson printer head.

Tools for Addressing Head Buntu on Epson Printers:
1. Cleaning fluid head (head cleaner), the brand is up to you.
2. Injections are equipped with a hose to the nozzle head epson
3. Tissue

Heres How to Repair Clogged Head on Epson Printer:

1. Prepare injection containing 5ml head cleaning fluid and tissue that has been in the fold, and insert the rubber nozzle on the injection.

2. Set the head unit position into the printer with the software or manual, then take the cartridge and unplug the printer power.
3. Slide Head to the edge, then put a tissue paper roll evenly in front of the printer.
4. Plug the hose nozzle on a pole that headnya dead-end Epson printers, and then pull inject up to 10ml, injection press slowly until the liquid runs out.

5. If the clog ink resulting frozen head stuck in the nozzle was out on the tissue, then the nozzle cleaning process has been successful.
6. Replace the cartridge epson ink already loaded, Perform head cleaning and print Nozzle check pattern in software / manual. And the head stuck on epson been resolved.

Similarly, an explanation of How to Cope Head Buntu on Epson Printer, may be useful!


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Difference between List and Set in Java Collection

What is difference between List and Set in Java is a very popular Java collection interview questions and an important fundamental concept to remember while using Collections class in Java. Both List and Set are two of most important Collection classes Java Program use along with various Map implementation. Basic feature of List and Set are abstracted in List and Set interface in Java and then various implementation of List and Set adds specific feature on top of that e.g. ArrayList in Java is a List implementation backed by Array while LinkedList is another List implementation which works like linked list data-structure. In this Java tutorial we will see some fundamental difference between List and Set collections. Since List and Set are generified with introduction of Generics in Java5 these difference also application to List and Set.

This article is in continuation of my earlier post on Collection e.g. Difference between HashMap vs HashSet, Difference between HashMap and Hashtable and Difference between Concurrent Collection and Synchronized Collection. If you haven't read them already you may find them useful.
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GPU nVIDIA GeForce M-Graphic Card Controller Review.

The Cebit exhibition, nVIDIA prepare their 4 latest graphics controller, which is also intended for use on notebook, Even claimed to be the fastest GPU for the notebook today.

Four GPU is: GeForce GTX 280M, 260 M, 160 M GTS and 150 M, Overall entry in the 200m category GeForce GTX and GeForce GTS 100 M series. All Graphic controller is the support for HD gaming and multimedia use.

Nvidia claims that the GPU nVIDIA GeForce M this can result in better performance and frame rate 50% faster than earlier generations. M GeForce GTX 280, GeForce 260M, GeForce 160 M, 150 M and GeForce intended for notebook users who’s looking for the performance of the Graphic, with the various segments of the price offered.

GPU enables users to enjoy smoother multimedia file MPEG-4 format while doing other works. Some of the notebook that is already using this GPU is Asus, Clevo and MSI.

GeForce GTX 280 and GeForce M 260M using G29b Chip, the Graphic controller chip that used on the GeForce GTS 250 for the PC Desktop, Produced with 55 nm manufacturing process while the GeForce GTX 280 for desktop use graphic controller GT200.

GeForce GTX 260M 112 Stream Processor working at 550 Mhz core clock and memory with DDR3 memory Clock 1900 Mhz while the GTX 280 with 128 stream M Processor

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PUP CNET Adware Bundle Uninstall Guide

PUP.CNET.Adware.Bundle stands for potentially unwanted program, CNETs own installer that wraps a limited number of Windows software downloads in a CBS Interactive/CNET bundle which attempts to download and install sponsored software, mostly toolbars (at least its the Blekko toolbar at the moment). In other words, when you download a program from you may get CNETs proprietary installer, not the the softwares installer. The downloaded file name begins with cnet_ or cnet2_, heres an example: cnet2_freeocr_exe.

If you install recommended toolbar or any other utility, 3rd party advertisers may track what you do on the internet to target you with products. Thats the main reason why CNETs installer is detected by some anti-virus products as adware, PUP.CNET.Adware.Bundle and even a Trojan, although there are others. First of all, it can be a violation of a programs distribution terms. Secondly, users are likely to blame the software authors if something goes wrong with the sponsored software. But its clearly CNETs fault.

The actual installation is a 4 step process. The logical progression of CNETs wrapper software makes it very easy to accept sponsored software by default, especially for unwary users who dont take much notice of installer screens and tend to simply click Next, Next, Next. This is the third major problem with PUP.CNET.Adware.Bundle - all the special offers and extras are enabled by default, what is known as an Opt Out system.

In our case, PUP.CNET.Adware.Bundle wanted us to install Blekko toolbar and change our default search engine to

  • Adware.Downloader-207, ClamAV
  • Adware.Downware.130, DrWeb
  • Win32.Trojan, eSafe
  • Win32/InstallCore.D, NOD32
  • PUP.CNET.Adware.Bundle, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware
Some people say its a terrible idea while others are more tolerant of such practice. In terms of computer security, PUP.CNET.Adware.Bundle isnt a huge security threat. Although, CNET may attempt to install software detected as adware by some anti-virus products, its actually nothing more than PUP. Its not spyware. After all, you can simply uninstall both CNETs installer and sponsored software from your computer. Besides, its always a good idea to download software directly from the official website whenever possible. Or you can click the "Direct Download Link" instead of "Download Now" and you will get a pure installer, without extras.

By the way, what do you think about this new installer method? Good luck and be safe online!

Scan your computer with recommended anti-malware and clean-up software:

Download recommended anti-malware and clean-up software and run a full system scan to make sure that your computer is not infected with malicious or potentially unwanted applications and that your files are not corrupted before proceeding with the uninstall process.

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Difference between FIX 4 2 vs FIX 4 4 in FIX connectivity

FIX 4.2 vs FIX 4.4
FIX protocol has evolved over time; it’s now more than a decade it’s started by Fidelity and Solomon Brothers. FIX connectivity is the most popular connectivity solution exists for trading whether its equities, futures, options or fixed income or even foreign exchange (FX). FIX protocol has dominated the market and become as standard solution for any market or broker which is trying to develop connectivity with market within a short period of time because of complexity of native exchange api and lack of support FIX protocol come as handy.
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5 Handy Firefox browser plugins for web developers

The trend to develop single page web applications with MVC or MVVM frameworks like Angular requires good tools and plugins to debug and isolate issues on client side. On the previous tutorial I covered writing JavaScript functions and debugging it with the FireBug plugin for Firefox. In this blog post, I will cover 5 handy Firefox plugins that can make you more productive in fixing issues relating client side code like JavaScript errors, effective CSS applied, HTML errors, etc and client to server interactions like what header was sent? what data was posted?, etc
  1. FireBug
  2. Fire Cookie
  3. YSlow
  4. Tamper Data
  5. Modify Headers
There are other useful plugins like modify headers, HTML validator, etc.

  1. FireBug is  handy to debug and tune client side HTML, CSS, and JavaScript on the fly.
  2. Fire Cookie makes possible to view and manage cookies in your browser. Especially, you can modify and delete cookies.
  3. YSlow analyzes web pages and suggests ways to improve their performance based on a set of rules for high performance web pages. YSlow is an extension to FireBug, and you need to install FireBug before installing YSlow. The YSlow grades your web application and provides recommendations to improve performance. Alternatively, you can also install Page Speed from Google. Similar to Yslow!, it tests website performance.
  4. Tamper Data is a fast, simple yet effective tool which can be used to do penetration testing. Use tamper data to view and modify HTTP/HTTPS headers, trace and time http response/requests and to security test web applications by modifying the POST parameters.
  5. Modify Headers is handy for modifying or adding new headers for testing purpose. For example, add SSO headers to test your application locally.

The FireBug has other developer productivity tools natively within Tools --> Web Developer

Native Inspect Element

This native "Inspect Element" from Firefox may look similar to “Inspect Element in Firebug”, but it  acts in different ways. There is one distinctive feature known as the the 3D view, which analyses the web page in depth.

Responsive Design View

This native "Responsive Design View " assists with the Responsive Website Design (i.e. RWD). With more and more mobile users online via smartphones and tablets, it has never been more important to design a friendly environment for those visitors. A responsive website design allows your visitors to navigate to your site that is optimally designed for the device they are using like smartphone, tablet, or laptop/desktop, without having to painfully zoom in and zoom out.

Style Editor

If you work frequently with CSS then the "style editor" is very handy as it allows you to edit the CSS and see the impact of your change instantly. This is available from version 11.

Here are some step by step tutorials on using FireBug:

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    Tips for Buying a PC

    Currently buying a computer is present actually not an easy job because a lot of options and types of computer hardware manufacturers offered.
    When buying a computer, the choice of processors should be a major consideration, because the processor plays an significant role for computer performance.  Currently there are two significant competing vendors in the technology of the AMD and Intel processors.  Both have their own advantages.  You can just determine the need for what you want and the type of processor that are best suited to your needs.

    The motherboard is the next consideration; try to get this type of motherboard you with the most advanced technology, so it will facilitate the process of upgrading computers in the future.
    Memory plays a fairly important as well in computer performance.  at this time DDR3 becomes the choice of computer manufacturing.  For a cheaper choice you may be able to use DDR2 memory types, but according to experience in choosing the type of memory try to select the memory with most new technologies because it will facilitate the development stage of computer hardware.  For memory requirements to support current programs are advised to use a memory with a minimum capacity of 4 GB to ensure the performance of your computer can run well and fast.
    Data storage becomes the next consideration for buying a computer.  Large capacity and speed with the speed of the hard drive gets to be an option for choosing the type of hard drive.  Hard drive with a minimum capacity of 500 GB may be needed for now because a lot of new software that is consuming the hard drives capacity with a very large number.  Speed of 10,000 rpm hard drive is as well needed to ensure faster computer performance.  Consider also to use the system with USB 2.0 and IEEE 1394 ports.
    Although the current average of motherboards hold included on board VGA, but for maximum results you keep your VGA card has its own because in terms of quality of the displayed image will be very much different from the picture quality from the on board VGA.  PCIe slots may be an option for the moment with a capacity of at least 512 mb VGA but for stability and performance of computer systems is recommended that you use VGA with a capacity of 1 GB.
    Next is the monitor, a reliable PC that will not work unless it is supported by a reliable monitor.  There are three choices of monitors are CRT, LCD and LED, perhaps for the current selection of LCD and LED are very apt to be your consideration, and also the right size for your needs.
    As a complement to multi-media system you may consider choosing speakers with good quality, as this will increase your comfort in using computers.
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    Make ISO File with Nero

    Have you heard of a file with format / form of ISO? Yes, ISO format file (. iso) is an archive file or image file commonly found on the CD / DVD. File with this format has been used as a standard format on each disc, CD track or the original film. ISO file format is useful for making backups and large file sharing with others.

    To use an ISO file types there are two ways. First, the ISO file must be burned disc (CD / DVD). Furthermore, the disc containing the iso file is inserted CD / DVD room for next read by the PC. The second way to use the application "stupid" on the PC so that he believes that as though youve put the ISO format file into CD / DVD virtual room which will then be read by the PC serve targeted. This method is often called a mount image.

    Some application there who can make a file with the ISO format. One well-known is Nero. Nero is a useful application to burn (burn) files in various formats to disc (CD / DVD). In addition, Nero applications are able to make an ISO format file which can later be burned onto a CD / DVD. To find out more about Nero applications, please go to the official website At the time this article was created, there are 2 types of Nero, the free alias and other freeware that is paid.

    Nero freeware application types now known as Nero Kwik Media. Formerly, Nero called Nero Lite Kwik Media. As for the type of Nero paid, there are all kinds. For example, Nero Multimedia Suite 10 Platinum HD, Nero Multimedia Suite 10, Nero Video Premium HD, etc.. Of course, Nero is paid to have quality and better features than the free ones.

    Okay, back to the main theme of the ISO file extension. How Nero applications can create an ISO file format? These are presented to the ISO format file using Nero Multimedia Suite 10. ISO files to be created is Windows, can Windows XP / Vista or 7. Previously, insert the first CD / DVD of Windows that you have into the CD / DVD Room. Already? Well, following his step by step:

    1) Open Nero application on your computer.
    2) Click New or File> New on the toolbar above to begin the process of making an ISO format file as shown in Figure 2.
    3) After that, a pop up window will appear as in Figure 3. In the window there are various options to adjust how the ISO format file creation Then, click New.

    4) Next, select the image recorder to record the files you want to be iso extension file. Then, drag the contents of CD / DVD Windows that will be made into ISO format file area as in Figure 4.

    5) Then click the Burn Now to begin the process of making an ISO format file. Shortly before the burn process, you are asked to give a name for the file to burn. In addition, the storage location will also be asked. Next, select the type of storage with the ISO format.

    6) Burn The file is in progress.

    7) When finished, a pop up window appears stating that the burn be iso extension file has been successfully performed. Click Ok.

    8) Check the file format burn the Windows 7 ISO file on a storage address which had been determined earlier.

    Similarly, articles about the step by step create the ISO file using Nero. May be useful and good luck Creating File Format ISO Image Using Nero Applications
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    Marketing Company Expert Review magic jack suppor

    IamVoip may be a company supported by poet Christiansen that was fashioned supported the premise that technology is forcing U.S. to form a amendment in our lives. Weve all been laid low with high school product in a technique or another. All it takes may be a high speed net affiliation and an everyday phone to use their product. With this product youll save 50-75% monthly on your bill.

    When the phonephone business deregulated within the late 80s and early 90s the folks that positioned themselves properly with these firms created millions as individuals modified their long distance carrier. One shocking truth regarding Iamvoip is that Steve Smith World Health Organization is that the Co-Founder of stand out Communications. By utilizing a Network selling Model in only six years they nice stand out into the fourth largest Long Distance company within the u. s. likewise because the youngest company in U.S. history to achieve a billion bucks in revenue.

    Steve Smith believes IamVoip are larger than stand out. there is not any doubt the Tele Communications business is exploding. I do feel that IamVoip has competition although like Magic Jack. but magic jack does not supply any sort of compensation set up in order that they arent true competition. but youve got an opportunity to position yourself on the correct aspect of this once in a very life-time shift, as digital phone becomes the quality for creating phone calls worldwide.

    In the u. s. alone, the quantity of Digital Phone Subscribers is meant to double to over fifty million subscribers within the next few years. Even a lot of astonishing, over succeeding five years freelance research comes that over one billion individuals are victimization some sort of Digital public utility which might manufacture over a hundred billion bucks of annual revenue. And with the IamVoip service, youve got your golden chance to capture your portion of this big market.

    Building technology firms utilizing the web allowed poet Christiansen to retire at the age of forty one. IamVoip determined to not pay tens of various bucks in on-line advertising. Instead, they need determined to pay this revenue with MLM Recruiters World Health Organization facilitate to make this enterprise. they are doing supply Bonuses, Overrides and Commissions. youll use this MLM chance to form many hundred or maybe thousands of additional bucks per month.

    IamVoip offers the freelance Agent many tools to urge their career started. they provide a back workplace thus youll read your MLM Commissions likewise as not blink up to now on necessary company News and Announcements. Once you become a member youll be assigned a private IamVoip trainer at no further price to you. they are doing supply company replicated personal websites that youll use to draw in leads into the business. They even have trained agent support specialists that youll decision once you bog down or have any queries relating to however this business operates.

    Our feeling is that this is often a solid chance if you do not approach it with blinders. By this I mean if youve got sensible selling skills and ar artistic in your promotional efforts, this is often the sort of MLM chance that would cause you to wealthy by recruiting individuals in your back yard. which means there is in all probability enough business in a very community to retire somebody with this program.
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    Debian 6 sluggish and slow due to Mono

    I have been playing around with Debian 6 for the past two weeks and overall quite happy with Debian but have noticed a slight sluggish feel when working with Gnome. (eg compared to Fedora 14)

    My Debian 6 install is a default desktop install which had a working internet connection during the installation process. As a result OpenOffice, Java, Mono, extra Gnome themes and icons were all pulled in.

    It would be nice if the Debian installer allowed for a more customized Desktop setup.

    To cut a long story short, I have no need for Mono and decided to erase it.

    apt-get purge cli-common libmono-*

    If you are a Ubuntu user reading this, please do not run this command.

    Now the interesting thing after performing this action was I noticed my desktop was more snappy and responsive, and more inline with Fedora 14.

    Furthermore, I have also experienced the same feel when removing mono from Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.

    Mono makes Linux sluggish!
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    Web i e HTTP security vulnerabilities HttpOnly attribute

    Q. What do you understand by the term "HttpOnly" attribute in HTTP cookies?
    A. Here is a sample PEN test report comment:

    "During the application test, it was detected that the tested web application set a session cookie without the "HttpOnly" attribute. Since this session cookie does not contain the "HttpOnly" attribute, it might be accessed by a malicous script injected to the site (i.e XSS), and its value can be stolen. Any information stored in session tokens may be stolen and used later for identity theft or user impersonation"

    When you tag a cookie with the "HttpOnly" flag, it tells the browser that this particular cookie should only be accessed by the server. Any attempt to access the cookie from client script is strictly forbidden. This will works woth  a modern web browser that supports and actually implements "HttpOnly" functionality correctly. The most modern browsers do support the "HttpOnly" flag. This flag will make more difficult to pull off XSS attacks.

    Q. What do you understand by the term "Secure" attribute in HTTP cookies?
    A. Here is a sample PEN test report comment:

    "During the application test, it was detected that the tested web application set a cookie without the "secure" attribute, during an encrypted session. Since this cookie does not contain the "secure" attribute, it might also be sent to the site during an unencrypted session. Any information such as cookies, session tokens or user credentials that are sent to the server as clear text, may be stolen and used later for identity theft or user impersonation."

    Remedy: Basically the only required attribute for the cookie is the "name" field. Common optional attributes are: "comment", "domain", "path", etc. The "secure" and "HttpOnly" attributes must be set accordingly in order to prevent a cookie from being sent unencrypted or modified respectively.

    Tip: You can use the Firefox plugin Fire cookie to view these attributes.
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    How to Remove Windows Risk Eliminator Uninstall Guide

    Windows Risk Eliminator is a malicious program that uses a number of misleading techniques to make a hefty profit out of unsuspecting victims. This program is classified as a rogue security tool because it pretends to scan your computer for malware and reports system threats which do not even exist. Cyber-criminals spread their malware through the use of Trojan Downloader and fake online scanners. Victims are typically tricked into paying for additional tools or services. This rogue costs almost $80 with a lifetime support. You can get perfectly legitimate anti-malware software for about $40. Windows Risk Eliminator gives a false sense of security. It displays fake security alerts and notifications saying that your computer is infected with some sort of malware. Furthermore, Windows Risk Eliminator claims that you can make your computer run faster if you pay for a additional tools that will fix numerous system/registry errors. Please do not fall victim to this scam and remove Windows Risk Eliminator from your computer as soon as possible. What is more, this scareware blocks other programs on the victims computer. It blocks web browsers, task manager, registry editor and of course anti-malware software. Thankfully, weve got the step-by-step removal instructions to help you to remove Windows Risk Eliminator malware. Last, but not least, if you have purchased this bogus program, please contact your credit card company and dispute the charges. If you need help removing Windows Risk Eliminator, please leave comment. You can post additional information about this rogue too. Good luck and be safe online!

    Windows Risk Eliminator is from the same family as Windows Universal Tool, Windows Utility Tool, and Windows Security & Control.

    Fake Windows Risk Eliminator scan results:

    Fake security alert saying that taskmgr.exe is a key-logger:

    A web form where you can purchase Windows Risk Eliminator:

    Windows Risk Eliminator removal instructions:

    1. Rename the main executable of Windows Risk Eliminator:

    In Windows XP:
    C:Documents and Settings[UserName]Application Data[SET OF RANDOM CHARACTERS].exe

    In Windows Vista/7:
    C:Users[UserName]AppDataRoaming[SET OF RANDOM CHARACTERS].exe

    Look for htwlfy or similar file and rename it to malware. Then restart your computer. This should disable Windows Risk Eliminator. After reboot, please continue with the rest of the removal process. NOTE: By default, Application Data folder is hidden. If you can find it, please read Show Hidden Files and Folders in Windows.

    OR you can download Process Explorer and end Windows Risk Eliminator process.

    2. Download shell-fix.reg. Double-click to run it. Click "Yes" when it asks if you want to add the information to the registry. This file will fix the Windows Shell entry.
    3. Download free anti-malware software from the list below and run a full system scan.
    NOTE: in some cases the rogue program may block anti-malware software. Before saving the selected program onto your computer, you may have to rename the installer to iexplore.exe or winlogon.exe With all of these tools, if running Windows 7 or Vista they MUST be run as administrator. Launch the program and follow the prompts. Dont forget to update the installed program before scanning.

    4. New threats appear every day. In order to protect your PC from such (new) infections we strongly recommend you to use ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

    Alternate Windows Risk Eliminator removal instructions (in Safe Mode with Networking):

    1. Reboot your computer is "Safe Mode with Networking". As the computer is booting tap the "F8 key" continuously which should bring up the "Windows Advanced Options Menu" as shown below. Use your arrow keys to move to "Safe Mode with Networking" and press Enter key. Read more detailed instructions here:

    NOTE: Login as the same user you were previously logged in with in the normal Windows mode.

    2. Download free anti-malware software from the list below and run a full system scan.
    NOTE: in some cases the rogue program may block anti-malware software. Before saving the selected program onto your computer, you may have to rename the installer to iexplore.exe or winlogon.exe With all of these tools, if running Windows 7 or Vista they MUST be run as administrator. Launch the program and follow the prompts. Dont forget to update the installed program before scanning.

    3. New threats appear every day. In order to protect your PC from such (new) infections we strongly recommend you to use ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

    Associated Windows Risk Eliminator files and registry values:


    In Windows XP:
    • C:Documents and Settings[UserName]Application Data[SET OF RANDOM CHARACTERS].exe
    In Windows Vista/7:
    • C:Users[UserName]AppDataRoaming[SET OF RANDOM CHARACTERS].exe
    Registry values:
    • HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon "Shell" = "%UserProfile%Application Data[SET OF RANDOM CHARACTERS]"
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    How To Repair Laptop Notebook Keyboard

    This time the discussion was about how Service Keyboard Laptop/Notebook. This article we get from the experience of our friends. Accident damaged laptop keyboard HP Compaq branded this time. Lets find out together.

    Prior to the discussion of How Service Keyboard Laptop/Notebook, we discuss some of the causes of defective first laptop/notebook keyboard, namely:
    • The keyboard is exposed to water
    • Due to dust
    • Due to the humid room.
    The damage often occurs on laptop/notebook keyboard is one of the keys of the keyboard are not functioning or even laptop/notebook keyboard was broken it was moving on its own like there are pushing it down.

    This occurs due to sticking to the second layer of carbon on flexible keyboard (due to a fungus or dirty) so that the keyboard keys can be pressed, or even can not be used at all.

    Faulty keyboard characteristics are the repeated beeps sound when laptop is turned on.

    Heres how the Service Keyboard Laptop/Notebook:

    • Prepare a small cutter which is still new (sharp)
    • Specify the keyboard keys are roughly problematic. In this case a broken tab button.
    • Take the keyboard keys are broken by tilting and grab a rubber imaginable underneath.
    • There are 2 rubber under a layer of carbon is circular. Ripped a third circle of carbon deposits.

    • Clean the carbon deposits between the two with a cutter that, by way of a swipe, but do not be too hard, just only remove dirt between the two layers of carbon. If its too hard carbon coating were feared lost.
    • The Keyboard is ready to try, and if it is OK, you may reattach the rubber buttons and keyboard.

    Good Luck.

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    NAS Server shipment based on FreeNAS

    We have just shipped our first own built NAS server.
    For those who are not technical NAS stands for Networked Attached Storage which is simply a way of getting large amounts of dedicated storage space in business network environments.
    We have used FreeNAS as the operating system and configured the server with 4 x 1000GB hard disks arranged in two RAID mirrored pairs of disks, with 4GB RAM, Athlon 6000+ processor, shipped in a tower case.
    This provides just short of 1700GB on line storage for archiving data in a data rich environment. At just under £800 delivered and installed the price compares favourably to the rack mounted NAS servers that are available and still gives room for future expansion if required.
    If you have a file server that is getting clogged up with data then this might be an option for you. Moving data to a dedicated storage server could give your domain server a new lease of life.
    Our website gives contact details.

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    Quality Herbal Palm Juice

    Natural herbal remedies is one way to maintain the health of our bodies. with the right natural herbs and efficacious, then our body will be protected from various diseases and has high durability.

    Indonesia has a diverse range of biological richness, of course, has many well-known herbs as well. This quality herbs known to have efficacy for treating various ailments or chronic diseases.

    Some herbs also imported from other countries, including palm juice is imported from Arab countries. Efficacy of Sari Kurma believed to treat high blood pressure, migraines, ulcers, liver disease, asthma, flatulence, fever, colds, coughs, colds, prevent premature ejaculation, increase sexual desire, anti-cancer, stamina enhancer, heartburn, weakness, lethargic and others.

    Herbal Berkualitas
    Palm Juice | High Quality Herbal
    In general, a date has rich nutrients, including phosphate, Boron, Pottasium and Calcium. Calcium and phostpate the human body is an essential component to regulate bone density, especially in children. In addition, iron is useful for the creation of hoemoglobin on red blood cells and prevent anemia, especially in pregnant women, there are many in the palm fruit. High energy levels on dates suitable to their athletes and heavy labor. In addition to the above substances, minerals and vitamins that humans need also contained in a date. 

    You can get the Palm Juice and other Quality Herbals Product at

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    First thing to do after installing Ubuntu 12 10 protect your privacy!

    Protect your privacy!

    By default Ubuntu 12.10 will record all your keystrokes / search terms when using the Unity Dash and send it to their servers and other third parties.

    Personally I think this really sucks.

    There can be no doubt that they anticipated many users will remain oblivious to this change / practice,  such users will therefore have their privacy compromised.

    Even if it is out of their own ignorance, ie because these users did not read the manual, where privacy is concerned there needs to be solid boundaries.

    Canonical Ltd relying on a unless you opt out style Legal Notice (see below) is just not good enough.

    Searching in the dash -
    Legal notice This search function is provided to you by Canonical Group Limited (Canonical). This legal notice applies to searching in the dash and incorporates the terms of Canonicals legal notice (and privacy policy).
    Collection and use of data
    When you enter a search term into the dash Ubuntu will search your Ubuntu computer and will record the search terms locally.
    Unless you have opted out (see the “Online Search” section below), we will also send your keystrokes as a search term to and selected third parties so that we may complement your search results with online search results from such third parties including: Facebook, Twitter, BBC and Amazon. Canonical and these selected third parties will collect your search terms and use them to provide you with search results while using Ubuntu.
    By searching in the dash you consent to:
    the collection and use of your search terms and IP address in this way; and
    the storage of your search terms and IP address by Canonical and such selected third parties (if applicable).
    Canonical will only use your search terms and IP address in accordance with this legal notice and our privacy policy. Please see our privacy policy for further information about how Canonical protects your personal information. For information on how our selected third parties may use your information, please see their privacy policies.
    Online Search
    You may restrict your dash so that we don’t send searches to third parties and you dont receive online search results. To do this go to the Privacy panel and toggle the ‘Include online search results’ option to off. The Privacy panel can be found in your System Settings or via a dash search. For a current list of our selected third parties, please see
    Although most changes are likely to be minor, Canonical may change this legal notice from time to time, and at Canonicals sole discretion. Please check this page from time to time for any changes to this legal notice as we will not be able to notify you directly.
    How to contact us
    Please submit any questions or comments about searching in the dash or this legal notice by contacting us at the following address: Canonical Group Ltd, 5th Floor, Blue Fin Building, 110 Southwark Street, London, England, SE1 0SU.

    Those that for whatever reason remain unaware of this change / practice, the legal notice serves to protect Canonical Ltd, allowing them to legally exploit such users.

    Ask yourself, why does Canonical Ltd choose to collect data by default?

    Answer, because they know the vast majority, if not all users would never optionally choose to submit data that may potentially compromise their privacy.

    The "unless you opt out" approach never goes down well with anyone, it is a commercial practice that causes nothing but headaches and controversy, Verizon anyone??

    If you would like to opt out and prevent Ubuntu 12.10 collecting / sending your data to Canonical Ltd and their partners, run the Privacy application and change the settings.


    As stated in the Ubuntu 12.10 Legal Notice, turn off the setting, "Include online search results"

    Well played Canonical Ltd!
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    The security database on the server does not have a computer account for this workstation trust relationship

    We recently has this error message appear when trying to log on Windows 7 workstations to our Windows 2003 domain server.
    "The security database on the server does not have a computer account for this workstation trust relationship."
    We trawled through the Google searches for this message and there are pages of reports of this error.
    Let me give you the circumstances.
    Our domain server failed. We could not get it to get through POST and BIOS to try to find and operating system. That was the first big Ouch.
    So we rebuilt the server on to new hardware and configured it, as we thought, the same. We initially had some issues with DNS and NICs not doing as they should but the upshot was that our 2 Windows 7 workstations could not connect to the domain. Please note this did not affect our remaining XP workstation which logged just fine.
    After looking at the Goggle responses we noticed that we had rebuilt the domain but missed off the .local on the domain name.
    So we rebuilt being more careful next time. Even so we got a capital letter in the wrong place in the domain name. So we rebuilt a third time. This time we are sure we got everything right. It made not a jot of difference.
    Other websites had suggested we disconnect from the domain and reconnect to the new domain. Not an iota of difference.
    Finally we had to reinstall the operating system on both our Windows 7 machines.
    One side effect of this, despite having installed onto completely new hard disks to preserve the data on the old disk, is that on one of the machines we have lost ALL out Outlook pst files. Some emails going back 6 years with important information.
    Couple this with the total data loss of all information on the server did not make us very happy.
    I will finish with this comment. Why, oh why, Microsoft is it so hard to get your systems to talk to each other. This is hardly a ringing endorsement for the improvements in Windows 7 when XP performs better in what was already a very fraught situation. Please try to do better next time.
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    Importance of Antivirus

    The one and only method of removing computer viruses and other malicious stuff is using an efficient antivirus software application. A good quality antivirus application provides real-time protection for e-mail programs and the files they receive. There are a number of antivirus programs available in the market such as Symantec Norton Antivirus, Antivirus McAffe, and Kaspersky Antivirus.
    While buying an antivirus, you should keep certain things in mind. You should always purchase an updated version that is also from a reputed distributor or dealer to avoid the risk of having Trojan or virus on your system. As the purchasing process gets over you need to start installing the antivirus. The installer in a series of screen usually provides instructions. All that you need is an internet connection to install the updated software.

    Then you need to configure the software program to ensure its proper up-gradation that is very important for refreshing the program memory to help it detecting the virus definitions and latest cyber threats. You should configure automatic updates, which should be performed automatically every week. If upgrades are not executed automatically and you forget to upgrade it manually also the software will miss out the new viruses from the dictionary.
    One of the most important factors that made the online PC support companies the most preferred choice for a number of computer users is that the online computer support technicians are available for 24/7. Online PC support companies have become very popular among big corporate as well as small businesses. You can either subscribe their services or perform a periodic online security scan to ensure the safety of your computer.

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    Split Toning Effect

    In this tutorial we will turn a color image into Black & White and then tint it (Split Toning) using two Photoshop filters -- the Channel Mixer and Color Balance.
    Step 1 : I have opened this photo in Photoshop. You can open any photo you like.

    Step 2 : This is how the Layers pallette looks after opening the photo.

    Step 3 : Double Click the Background.

    Step 4 : The New Layer dialogue box opens. Click ok.

    Step 5 : The Background changes to Layer 0.

    Step 6 : Click the button shown at the bottom of the Layers pallette. It is the New Fill or Adjustment Layer button.

    Step 7 : As soon as you click the button a popup appears. Click on Channel Mixer.

    Step 8 : The Channel Mixer dialogue box opens.

    Step 9 : Check the Monochrome. Notice that the Red and Green sliders move to 40% and the Blue to 20%. The important thing is that the value of the channels total 100. You can move the sliders to adjust the black and white, but it should add upto 100%. Anything more or less will make the photo unnaturally dark or light. So remember this point if you you want to change the custom settings.

    Step 10 : The image has changed into Black & White.
    Step 11 : Since we are using Adjustment Layers, the Channel Mixer is on a separate layer above the layer with the photo of the girl, which is Layer 1. Step 12 : Click the New Fill and Adjustment Layer button again.

    Step 13 : Now click on the Color Balance.

    Step 14 : The Color Balance dialogue box opens. Note the the Shadows, Midtones and Highlights. Also note that the three sliders are exactly in the middle. If you drag the firt slider to the left you will get more Cyan and to the right more red. Similarly, if you drag the seond slider to the left you will get more Magenta and to the right more Green. If the you drag the third slider to the left you will get more Yellow and more Blue if you drag it to the right.

    Step 15 : I have clicked on the Highlights.

    Step 16 : I have dragged the third slider to the left till the value changes to -25 so it will add a yellow tint.

    Step 17 : The photo has acquired a yellow tint.

    Step 18 : Now click on the Shadows.

    Step 19 : I have now changed the value of the Red to +30. Click ok. Remember that the values I have used are not absolute. It will depend on the effect you want. So, feel free to experiment with the sliders.

    And, this is the Split Toning effect. That is all. Try it out.
    Lastly, this how you Layers pallette looks. The Color Balance layer is on top as we used it the last. It is above the Channel Mixer layer, which above the photo of the girl in Layer 1. Since these are adjustment layers, the actual photo has not been affected. If ytou click off the eye icon on the Color Blance and Channel Mixer layers, you will be able to see the original photo.

    I have clicked off the eye icons on the Color Balance and Channel Mixer layers and the original photo is revealed.

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