NAS Server shipment based on FreeNAS

We have just shipped our first own built NAS server.
For those who are not technical NAS stands for Networked Attached Storage which is simply a way of getting large amounts of dedicated storage space in business network environments.
We have used FreeNAS as the operating system and configured the server with 4 x 1000GB hard disks arranged in two RAID mirrored pairs of disks, with 4GB RAM, Athlon 6000+ processor, shipped in a tower case.
This provides just short of 1700GB on line storage for archiving data in a data rich environment. At just under £800 delivered and installed the price compares favourably to the rack mounted NAS servers that are available and still gives room for future expansion if required.
If you have a file server that is getting clogged up with data then this might be an option for you. Moving data to a dedicated storage server could give your domain server a new lease of life.
Our website gives contact details.

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