Fedora 15 KDE How to upgrade to KDE 4 7

As a Fedora KDE user we sometimes have to wait that bit extra for KDE updates, nonetheless the efforts by the Fedora KDE team are much appreciated.

My Fedora 15 KDE 4.7 Desktop

I no longer use openSUSE, it has gone too sour for my liking and is surrounded by a lot of negativity. I am one of those who believe the negative energy of others can have a big impact on ones well being and since giving openSUSE the boot I have been feeling much better.

The how to...

The steps for upgrading KDE to version 4.7 was originally brought to my attention by browsing the Fedora Forum, see the post by ah7013. I have modified the steps slightly as those of us who installed Fedora KDE from the Live CD do not have wget installed.

Please note, KDE 4.7 is not in the Fedora 15 stable repository and the guide  will install KDE 4.7 from a repository created by Rex Dieter, a valued member of the Fedora KDE team.

Open a terminal and run the following commands,

cd /etc/yum.repos.d
su -c yum install wget
su -c wget http://repos.fedorapeople.org/repos/rdieter/kde47/fedora-kde47.repo
su -c yum update

Please reboot your system.

Enjoy KDE!

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