JSTL forTokens Tag Example Split String in JSP

JSTL forTokens tag is another tag in core JSTL library to support Iteration or looping. It effectively complements, more useful <c:forEach> tag, by allowing you to iterate over comma separated or any delimited String. You can use this tag to split string in JSP and can operate on them individually. forTokens tag has similar attribute like forEach JSTL tag except one more attribute called delims, which specifies delimiter. For example to iterate over colon separated String "abc:cde:fgh:ijk", delims=":". By the way, forTokens tag also accept multiple delimiter, which means, you can split a big string into token based upon multiple delimiter e.g. colon(:) and pipe (|), This will be more clear, when we will see examples of JSTL forTokens tag in JSP. Rest of attribute e.g. items, var, varStatus, begin, end and step are same, as they are in case of <c:forEach> tag. For quick review, items specify String which needs to be split-ed in token and var hold current String.
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